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Navigating sales tax as a business owner
With the freedom of being a small business owner comes the responsibility of navigating sales tax. If you’re confused about sales tax, you’re not alone! Collecting and paying sales tax is one…
Checklist to help you avoid mistakes on your taxes
If you’re like many people, the word taxes gets your belly in knots! Even if you’re good with numbers and stay on top of things, it can be hard to understand all…
6 Things to Know about Taxes and Starting a Business
Thinking about starting a business to help you earn income and use your skills? New business owners have tax-related things to do before launching any company. Here are the 6 things to…
Employee vs. contractor: What’s the difference?
Employee vs. contractor? This is a common question among full-time travelers who work on the road. What’s the difference between an employee and contractor and how does it affect your tax obligations?…
Pass-through income: easily understand what it means
If you own a business, it’s a must to understand the tax side of the business. This includes understanding pass-through income. Maybe you’ve heard of the advantages of registering your business in…
Choosing a Business Entity: which is best for you?
As with most things in business and life in general, it’s all about the basics, right? Well, here are the basics of choosing a business entity. If you already know them but…
Travel expenses: Are they deductible on your taxes?
Most of you proudly identify yourself as a full-time RVer or digital nomad because you’re living your dream. You are lucky enough to travel full-time while working remotely from the road. Does this mean you can…
4 Possible Tax Deductions for RV owners Explained
Unfortunately, for us RV owners who full-time, some of our deductions are limited as compared to a sticks and bricks homeowner. However, there is some overlap. As an RV full-timer myself, I understand…
6 Simple Small Business Tax Deductions for RV entrepreneurs
You’ve got the revenue part down. Now you need to figure out the expenses. Here are 6 simple small business tax deductions you should be taking. In a small business, maximizing your…
RV full-time taxes: how are they different
With so many questions, tax time can feel overwhelming. With this list, I hope to answer some questions to aid in gathering information and staying organized throughout the year to make tax…