

Articles about Taxes for RV Entrepreneurs & Digital Nomads

Articles about Taxes for RV Entrepreneurs & Digital Nomads

Definitive Guide to Self-Employment Taxes

Your Easy Guide to Self-Employment Taxes

Chances are if you are reading this, then you are self-employed or interested in becoming a small business owner. Congrats! However, if this is you, it’s important to consider self-employment taxes. Self-employed means you fit any of the following: Self-Employment Tax What is it? Self-employment tax is made up of Social Security (12.4%) and Medicare tax…

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6 Simple Steps to Take the Home Office Deduction

Can I take the home office deduction as a digital nomad or RV Entrepreneur? I get this question all the time. If you live in an RV full-time, then my initial response is no. Let’s understand why I say this. Once you understand my reasoning you can decide if you qualify for this deduction or…

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Ultimate Guide to File Taxes When Working in Multiple States

Many RVers and those who work camp, in particular, work in multiple states during the year. How do you file taxes when working in multiple states? The biggest factors to consider when you travel and work are the following: Domicile Physically working in a state Length of time spent in each state I get this…

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5 Simple Steps for Monthly Business Bookkeeping Tax Queen Digital Nomad RV Entrepreneurs

5 Simple Steps for Monthly Business Bookkeeping

Last month I talked all about creating weekly tasks to keep up with your books. We helped create a routine making it easier at month’s end. Now that the month has ended, it’s time to make sure your business books are all clean. Let’s review your monthly business bookkeeping tasks. You got this! Monthly Business…

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weekly bookkeeping

5 Simple Steps to Update Your Business Books Weekly

Are you a procrastinator? Maybe you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin?  Let’s just say you shouldn’t wait until tax time to work on your business books. I strongly suggest you make it a weekly task on your calendar so it becomes a habit. Plus, you’ll be able to see reports about the financial…

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7 easy apps

7 Easy Apps to Simplify Your Small Business Finances

I’m guessing if you’re here, then you most likely own a business or are thinking about starting one. In either case are you ready to modernize, automate and make your life a little easier? Yes? Here are 7 easy apps to help simplify your small business finances. Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links to products…

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Invest in Retirement as a digital nomad - Tax Queen

Savvy Ways to Invest in Your Retirement as a Digital Nomad

Are you a small business owner and a digital nomad? Then it’s time to start to invest in your retirement. Get the tax benefit now. Save for later and grow your net worth. It’s all a win-win, right!?!?! How exactly do you multiply your net worth while also reducing your current taxable income? Invest in…

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3 genuine ways to deduct 100% of business meals

3 genuine ways to deduct 100% of business meals

Do you want to write off business meals? You’re not alone. Thanks to a new law enacted December 27, 2020, new IRS regulations, and a new IRS notice (yep, all three are new), you have fresh opportunities to deduct 100% of your business meals. For 2021 and 2022, you can deduct 100 percent of your…

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Hi! I’m Heather Ryan, EA and I get RVlife. As a fellow digital nomad, I understand many of the unique tax situations created by travel. I also fully support entrepreneurs and the struggles they face. The goal of this site is to offer my knowledge through advice and tips to real-life situations and questions.


Are you getting ready to transition to full-time RVing? Are you already on the road?

This book has everything you need to know about taxes as an RVer.


This website is for general information only and is not intended to substitute for obtaining legal, accounting or financial advice. It is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. Presentation of the information on this website is not intended to create a client relationship. For specific tax assistance please consult a tax professional on an individual basis.

While I make every effort to furnish accurate and updated information, I do not guarantee that any information contained in this website is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. I assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in its content

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