
Finances for the Digital Nomad

Your Roadmap to Self-Employed Success

Starting a business is hard.
There's a lot to know, and it's easy to slide into overwhelm.

Most days, you’re working even harder than you did at your 9-to-5. And you haven’t even scratched the surface of the business end of things yet. 

Contracts, corporate entities, deductions … You know it’s all important. You just don’t know where to start.


Thinking Tax Queen

You’re dealing with all kinds of stress and confusion:

  • Big-time imposter syndrome—the feeling that your business isn’t a “real” one yet

  • Anxiety every time you even think about running the numbers (partly because you aren’t sure how)

  • Uncertainty about whether your business is even profitable, and more than a little fear around finding the answer

  • Worry that you’ll make a mistake and destroy your business before it really gets off the ground

You're not alone. So many entrepreneurs hide a secret fear of their finances.

You’d rather be producing than pencil-pushing – but procrastination only makes things worse. It can cost you income, savings, or even penalties from the IRS.

 It’s no coincidence that:

  • 20% of small businesses fail in their first year (Source: ZenBusiness)

  • Most entrepreneurs end up returning to the corporate world (Source: Investopedia)

  • The #1 task entrepreneurs procrastinate is managing their business finances (professional observation)

Here's the good news:
this common problem has a simple solution.

No one is born knowing how to be their own CFO. There’s nothing wrong with you or your business savvy, and you can manage your business finances with confidence. 

All you need is a little basic knowledge—without having to scour the internet for the right advice.

That’s why I created this course: Finances for the Digital Nomad.

Nomadic entrepreneurs like you don’t have time to search for the nuggets of reliable wisdom hidden in all the bad advice out there.

You need someone to point you in the right direction and give you the tools you need to run a successful business starting NOW.

Tax Queen Digital Nomad

You need more than Google. You need:

  • A one-stop source of reliable information assembled by a digital nomad who’s been in your shoes
  • An accounting system that’s simple and clear enough for you to understand and manage—no insider jargon or complicated spreadsheets
  • Business finances that are accessible and even—dare I say it?—kind of fun
  • To enjoy the adventure of your nomadic life without being weighed down by your business

Hi! I’m Heather.

I’ve been an enrolled agent (EA) since 2014 and a nomadic business owner since 2016.

Just like you, I built my own business from the ground up, so I know firsthand how tough it can be. 

And after 8 years working with nomadic solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, and small business owners just like you, I know exactly what you’re dealing with.

  • You’re not sure where to start, so you neglect your business finances—which only makes the anxiety worse
  • You’re struggling to find reliable answers to even basic questions, and Google always leaves you feeling like you know even less than when you started
  • Sometimes you attempt a simple task, like organizing receipts or selecting bookkeeping software, but the experience leaves you feeling overwhelmed

This course is for YOU.
It’s everything I wish I’d known when I was building my first business.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to get your finances in order, from picking a business structure and getting registered to managing your self-employment taxes and saving for retirement.

By the time you’re finished, you’ll be confident about your:

Business Structure:

How to register your business and pick the structure that’s right for you

Tax Fundamentals:

Understand self-employment taxes and avoid costly surprises

Bookkeeping Basics:

Stay organized with your business expenses and income

What You’ll Get:

  • 6 self-paced modules
  • Over 23 videos (and counting)
  • Module-specific worksheets to help guide you
  • A reference glossary
  • Templates and spreadsheets to organize your business, track mileage, and more
  • Calculators to determine tax savings, income, and reinvestments
  • Access to a members-only Facebook group for support and accountability



Full course includes access to 8 self-paced modules and all course materials

Course Outline:

  • Welcome & Intro – How to use this course
  • Module 1: Foundation – Understand and pick a business structure, register your business, set up business bank accounts
  • Module 2: Setting up books and recording income Record income and choose bookkeeping software, using a spreadsheet vs. software, why it’s important to keep good records
  • Module 3: Expenses, deductions, write-offs – What can you take as expenses? Deeper dives into home office/phone/internet/travel expenses/mileage/depreciation, record expenses
  • Module 4: Paying help and yourself – What are you obligations when working with contractors or being a contractor yourself, pay yourself as a sole proprietor or S Corp owner
  • Module 5: Tax obligations and how to deal with them Understand self-employment taxes, income taxes, sales tax
  • Module 6: Tax deductions as a small business owner – Other deductions for the self-employed including retirement contribution options and health insurance


  • 6 Lessons each broken down to cover specific topics

  • Over 23 videos

  • Worksheets that guide you through the lessons

  • A glossary sheet to reference

  • Spreadsheets to use to help organize your business, track mileage, and more

  • Calculators to determine tax savings, your pay, and reinvestments

The self-paced version of the course will give you instant access to all the course materials and the Facebook group, so you can learn at your own pace.

The group coaching version includes 8 group coaching calls on Zoom for extra support, accountability, and direct answers to all your  questions. You still get access to the Facebook group to ask questions.

The 1:1 support offers individualized coaching calls with an expert.  This option offers more personalized guidance. You still get access to the Facebook group.

This course is created for any type of location-independent business: digital nomads, travelers, solopreneurs and freelancers. Some parts apply specifically to RV-based business owners.

That being said, if you’re already a highly successful business owner with enough income to hire a bookkeeper and tax professional, it might make more sense to outsource. However, it could give you a great foundation if you’re eager to learn.

If you have a more complicated business or business structure, this course might not be enough for you to gain full clarity on your business’ needs and tax requirements. 

This is NOT for you if your business is based outside the US; this course only applies to US tax code and US taxpayers.

You get access to all the lessons from day one. It’s your choice how quickly you complete the lessons. I suggest you complete one lesson a week so you don’t feel overwhelmed. 

Plus, this will allow you to commit the same amount of time each week to the lesson and corresponding worksheet. If you opt for the live version of the course, we’ll have one coaching call a week for each lesson.

This is a self-paced course, which means you can work the course around your time needs and lifestyle. If you feel a lesson is a review for you, I suggest you still complete it. You might learn something new on the topic. Also, I do recommend you go in order since the lessons build on themselves.

You have lifetime access to the course as long as it remains active.

There are no guarantees in life. Therefore, I can’t guarantee the course will remain active for a lifetime. As long as the course is up and running, you have access to it.

The course is online, and hosted on this website. You will have access to videos to watch, spreadsheets to keep and worksheets to download. You can choose to print the worksheets, or use them electronically; you don’t need a printer if you fill them out electronically.

This course includes quite a few calculators and worksheets using Google Sheets. This is free online software that is available to all. You could also choose to download them to Excel or another spreadsheet editor if you prefer.

If you’re in the process of starting a business, this is the perfect time to take this course!

Follow the guidelines in the course to get your business up and running in no time. The course will help you get organized and registered correctly from the beginning. Plus, you’ll have your finances in order and understand your tax obligations from the start. It’s never too early to get organized.

Yes, this course reflects the latest tax laws in the USA at the time of recording. If tax laws change, bonus videos can be added to share the updates.

If you run into any kind of tech issue, you can contact [email protected]

There is a private Facebook group you can join. That’s usually the best and quickest place to ask questions and get help from your instructor.

If you sign up for group coaching, you also get eight (8) group video calls for support, accountability, and direct answers to all your questions.

If you sign up for 1:1, you get limited personal correspondence with an expert for individual support. This offers specific answers to your unique questions and concerns

While a lot of information is available online for free, there are two issues with free information:

  • Free information online is scattered, and you can spend a lot of time looking for answers. In this course, all the information is grouped in one place – and it’s easy to find exactly what you need, when you need it.
  • Answers to financial questions on the web are not always correct, up-to-date and relevant for your situation. As an expert in my field, I provide you with accurate and specific information.

Ready to be the boss of your business AND your finances? Let’s get started!

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