5 biggest financial mistakes digital nomads Tax Queen

Free Ebook& Walk-through Video

Are you afraid that you might be making serious mistakes when it comes to running your business?​

When’s the last time you felt unsure of a business decision you had to make?

Now Is The Time To Take Control Of Your Finances And Your Future!​

You started your business so that you could have more freedom, but you also need to know you’re not making serious mistakes. Am I right?!?!

You want a business that is fluid, flexible, and financially thriving, but right now all you have is fear that you’ll never achieve the lifestyle that you had originally planned for. Have no fear, the 5 Biggest Financial Mistakes Digital Nomads Make AND how what you can do to fix them today ebook is here! 

Sign up below to grab the ebook along with a video that will help you understand…

✔️ Why it’s important to register your business properly  It’s best to start off on the right foot with the correct business structure for your business.

✔️ The need to be separating your personal and business finances Don’t be commingling funds as it could get you in trouble. Plus, it makes it hard to track expenses and income.

✔️ The importance of good record-keeping How will you know how your business is doing without tracking income and expenses? Then you can run reports, set goals, and make corrections as needed.

✔️ The mistake of failing to make estimated tax payments  Don’t forget about your tax obligations as a business owner.

✔️ Failing to maximize your retirement contributions early Don’t forget about your future and also, tap into those tax savings options available to you.

Sound good to you? Getting access to this completely free ebook and video is easy. You know the drill, drop your name and email below to instantly get started!

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Who is the Tax Queen?


Hi, I’m Heather.

I’m a numbers person—but don’t let that scare you. You’re in a safe space.

Just like you, I built my own business from the ground up, so I know firsthand how tough it can be. And with years of experience working with nomadic solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, and small business owners just like you, I know exactly what keeps you awake at night:

  • Overwhelm and anxiety every time you even think about your taxes—especially because you’re worried you’ll make an expensive mistake

  • Confusion about important designators like LLC and S corp, and concern that making the wrong choice will come back to bite you

  • Sending urgent questions to your sticks-and-bricks tax professional and getting nothing but crickets (followed by an invoice)

Grab Your FREE Ticket To The Know Your Numbers Workshop!

Join me on Wednesday, September 20th at 1 pm ET/11 am MT and I'll show you exactly how to conquer your business numbers without the stress!

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